Leading with Your Strengths
It’s one of the hardest things to do in life—to be completely honest with ourselves about ourselves. For the most par, we are not trained or conditioned to recognize strengths in ourselves. And, all too often we focus on fixing our weaknesses (and those of others) while overlooking our most empowering asset—our strengths. When we identify, nurture and lead with our strengths, we will be more engaged, happy and successful in our lives.
Beginning with your strengths, make a list of those abilities in which you excel and pioritize them. Ask yourself these questions to assist in identifying your strengths:
What do you do well in, naturally?
When have others commented that you’re a fast learner?
What brings you great satisfaction?
Where do you see glimpses of excellence in yourself?
What do you yearn to be or do?
What are you doing when time stands still for you (you lose all track of time)?
We all want to feel happy, engaged, and empowered. Our greatest successes will come from placing ourselves in a position where we can regularly express our strengths to meet with opportunities—in our personal lives, in our work, and within our communities.
Here’s a link to the VIA Survey of Character Strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/